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  • When we need to get in touch

    Mon 09 Mar 2015 SD

    Hopefully we won't need to contact you when your child is at school, however when we do it is important we can do so quickly. PLEASE ENSURE we have the correct contact details for your child and if you receive a missed call or a text from us you get in touch with school straight away.

  • Attendance and Punctuality

    Mon 09 Mar 2015

    At St John's we are trying hard to improve our attendance and punctuality - we are currently in the bottom 20% of schools in the country for attendance levels. If your child's attendance is 85% or below they will be classed by the government as a persistent absenteeenlightened. Occasionally this is due to a medical condition and school does all we can to support this. If however your child does not have a medical condition then we must ask the Educational Welfare Officer to contact you and find out why their attendance is so low. Parents may be asked to provide medical evidence from their GP if they continue to have poor attendance.

    Please do all you can to make sure your child is in school and on time so that we can do all we can to ensure they achieve their very
