Design and Technology
At St John's CE Primary School, our design and technology (DT) curriculum meets the national curriculum's statutory needs and is designed to meet the needs of all children at St John's CE Primary School. At St. John's DT is valued as an important part of children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and planned to build on knowledge and skills continually. DT is an inspiring, practical, and creative subject. We provide all children with the opportunity to be designers and develop a love for design technology.
In Reception, we begin teaching DT through developing their knowledge, skills and understanding as described in the EYFS curriculum area of ‘expressive arts and design’ by providing opportunities for children to explore different materials and develop their ideas of how to use them and what to make. Children develop their fine motor skills and learn how to cut and join different materials.
Here are some of the wonderful projects our children have been working on.
Year 1 Mechanisms: Sliders and levers
Year 2 Structures: Bridges
Year 3 Mechanisms: Levers and linkages
Year 5 Mechanisms: Cams
Year 6 Cooking and Nutrition: Seasonal Soup