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Vision & Values

St. John's School Christian Vision Statement


St. John’s Church of England Primary School has a Christian vision for education rooted in wisdom, hope, community and dignity. It is a community where all are welcome and nurtured in a spirit of Christian love, compassion and encouragement.


It is a place which enables everyone in the school community to develop and experience ‘life in all its fullness’ knowing they are unique and special in God’s eyes.


The Christian vision strives for all to realise true potential through an excellent, broad education where Christian hope, aspiration and building resilience for the future are central to the learning experience. 


The school’s vision is rooted in Christian love which is the foundation of our Christian values:  

  • Friendship
  • Courage
  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Perseverance


School aims:

  • To provide a caring, safe and happy environment where the whole school community can flourish knowing that they are unique and special in the eyes of God
  • To build confidence and self-esteem to enable children to develop resilience and become successful, independent  life-long learners
  • To enable all children to achieve their full potential
  • To develop the teamwork and leadership skills and qualities in all our children so that they can be responsible citizens of the future
  • To be fully committed to equality of opportunity
  • To create a stimulating environment in which Christian attitudes of positive relationships, mutual respect, responsibility, forgiveness and understanding are fostered at all times 
  • To foster strong links between communities: home, school, church, the local community, the Liverpool Diocese.
  • To enable staff to develop their own talents and expertise so that they too can thrive
  • To promote high standards and expectations of behaviour towards one another, as Jesus said, ’Love one another’ (John 13:34-35).
  • To be committed to providing opportunities for spiritual growth through RE and collective worship as well as a wealth of stimulating experiences and extra-curricular activities
  • To promote children’s cultural experiences and opportunities to help develop a positive understanding of their place in a diverse world.


St John's Christian Values 

Seeking life in all its fullness (John10:10)


Christian values are at the heart of all we do. They underpin teaching and learning and every aspect of daily life in school.

The school's core Christian values are  love, respect, courage, compassion, friendship, trust and perseveranceThese are explored through the context of Christian belief and practice. 

The values are displayed in every classroom and corridor and they help to guide the whole school community.

Christian values are elements of our life that we find to be most important as individuals and as a community.  They influence our behaviour and our motives and help us to understand how we should live our lives at school and in the wider community. The school's values are rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and are distinctively Christian.


Love is patient, love is kind.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is at the heart of the Christian faith.  The love of God is boundless and never fails.  Jesus tells us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves.  Sharing God's love with everyone is very important in our daily lives.



Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.

Matthew 7:12

Showing respect for others is essential in our daily lives.  It means being aware of and understanding differences in religion, race, age, gender, opinions and beliefs.  Everyone is unique and precious to God and therefore deserves to be treated with respect at all times.



Stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

Courage helps us to stand up for the things which we know are right.  At St. John's, children are encouraged to be strong and to persevere when facing difficulties or challenges.  Faith in God helps us to be courageous and strong.



Live in harmony with one another.  Do not be proud but enjoy the company of the lowly.

Romans 12:16

Jesus teaches us the true meaning of compassion.  It involves understanding and sharing in the suffering of others and then doing our best to help to transform the world.  Jesus showed great kindness and mercy for everyone he met.



A friend loves at all times.

Proverbs 17:17

True friendship is precious and enables everyone to grow as a person and live in harmony with others. Friendship ensures that the unique qualities we have are valued by those around us.  Jesus was a true friend to everyone.  He was often criticised because he made friends with people who were rejected by society.  At St. John's, friendship is at the centre of the school community.



Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God.

John 14:1

Trust is essential in human life and it is at the heart of our relationships with one another and with God.  We are able to live in harmony when we know that we can trust those around us.  At St. John's, children know that they can trust in and take inspiration from the teaching of Jesus because it guides them and helps them day by day.



Happy the person who stands firm when difficulties come.

James 1:12

Perseverance is a very important character trait. It helps us to be successful in life by showing determination to work hard even when things seem difficult. At St. John's, children are encouraged to do their best and have confidence in themselves.

