At St. John’s CE Primary School, all pupils will have the opportunity to sing, to listen to music, to experience different musical instruments, to perform and to enjoy music. The programmes of study of the national curriculum for music underpin teaching and learning. We aim to provide all pupils with an equal opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of music, to foster and stimulate enjoyment and appreciation of music.
It is our aim that all pupils will develop a love and appreciation of music through playing instruments and singing, listening and appraising, performing and sharing. Our music education aims to engage, inspire and challenge pupils and to provide opportunities for our pupils to find their musicality.
Music is taught throughout the school following the Charanga scheme, from Reception to Year 6.
All pupils have the opportunity to learn and perform songs to the school community, including parents and carers: Christmas performances during the infant nativities and the junior carol concert; the school choir sing at the Waterloo Christmas lights event and sing for the residents at St. John’s Court. The choir performs annually at the Peace Proms concert alongside a live orchestra at Liverpool Marks and Spencer Arena.
All pupils, when in Year 3, will have access to specialist tuition in partnership with Sefton music service to learn a brass instrument.
In key stage 2, pupils experience a live orchestra performance through the Concerts for Schools programme at the Liverpool Philharmonic.
In Reception, we begin teaching music through developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding as described in the EYFS curriculum area of ‘expressive arts and design’ by listening and responding to music and expressing their feelings and responses. Children have lots of opportunities to sing and also explore and engage with music making.
Whole-School Overview
Disciplinary Knowledge
In Year 1, children will be focusing their learning on the main musical dimensions of pulse, rhythm and pitch. As children progress throughout each year, new musical dimensions receive more emphasis, building on the building blocks of prior learning.
This approach aims to give our children a rounded and comprehensive understanding of musical dimensions by the time they reach Year 6.
Musicians To Study