Physical Education
At St. John's CE Primary School, our physical education (PE) curriculum meets the national curriculum's statutory requirements and is designed to meet the needs of all children at our School. PE is valued as an important part of children's' entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and continually builds on knowledge and skills.
The physical education curriculum is taught as a basis for lifelong learning. It is an important element of the school's vision to 'seek life in all its fullness ' (John 10:10), aiming to support and encourage our children to make sensible, healthy choices and continue to have a physically active life. PE will contribute to the school's commitment to nurturing our children's self-confidence, self-esteem, and wellbeing.
In Reception, we begin teaching PE through developing their knowledge, skills and understanding as described in the EYFS curriculum area of ‘physical development’ by developing and refining gross motor skills. We also support our children to develop and refine a range of ball skills and body strength, balance coordination and agility.
Swimming is promoted as an important life skill in Key Stage 2. Children will be taught about safety when they are near water. We aim for all children to leave primary school being able to swim at least 25 metres.
The School's Sport Premium Funding statement outlines additional opportunities and enhancements that support our children to 'seek life in all its fullness' and develop as rounded individuals. It has strong links with our PSHE curriculum and our social, moral, spiritual, and cultural provision to support all our children to move on from St. John's with the attributes to be responsible, aspirational, healthy, and successful in the next stage of their educational journey.
The school employs a specialist sports lead to provide advice and coaching for staff, to lead the PE curriculum and physical education enrichment programme.
PE is implemented using the whole school Primary PE Passport scheme as the main resource, a clear and comprehensive scheme, and in line with the national curriculum.
Additionality is linked firmly with our sports premium funding.
Examples of further enrichment events:
Developing our children as future leaders is an important aspect of our provision. Children have opportunities in the upper Key Stage 2 to become leaders: School Sport Organising Crew, sports leaders, playground leaders.