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Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital: 

... the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.



Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. It is about giving the children the best possible start to their education. Cultural capital – knowledge, vocabulary, skills and behaviours –accumulate over time through many different experiences and opportunities. At St John’s CE Primary School, our intent is for children to join us on a learning journey which will help to prepare them to live and thrive in culturally and ethnically diverse modern Britain. 


Below is our cultural capital activity map, based on the DfE activity passport, of a child's journey through our school. Cultural capital is enhanced throughout our curriculum , personal development and SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) provision. 

A St. John's child will...
