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Equalities Statement

Equalities Statement


Legal Duties

As a school we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. 


The general duties are to:

  • eliminate discrimination
  • advance equality of opportunity
  • foster good relations


We understand the principal of the act and the work needed to ensure that those with protected characteristics are not discriminated against and are given equality of opportunity. 


A protected characteristic under the act covers the groups listed below:

  • age
  • disability
  • race
  • sex (including issues of transgender)
  • gender reassignment
  • maternity and pregnancy
  • religion and belief
  • sexual orientation
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership


At St. John’s CE Primary School, our Christian vision for education is rooted in wisdom, hope, community and dignity. It is a community where all are welcome and nurtured in a spirit of Christian love, compassion and encouragement. It is a place which enables everyone in the school community to develop and experience life in all its fullness and realise true potential through an excellent, broad and creative education.


The school’s vision is rooted in Christian love which is the foundation of our Christian values: 

  • Friendship
  • Courage
  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Perseverance


Our School aims reflect our commitment to our duties under the Equality Act 2010:


  • To provide a caring, safe and happy environment where the whole school community can flourish knowing that they are unique and special in the eyes of God
  • To build confidence and self-esteem to enable children to develop resilience and become successful, independent life-long learners
  • To enable all children to achieve their full potential
  • To develop the teamwork and leadership skills and qualities in all our children so that they can be responsible citizens of the future
  • To be fully committed to equality of opportunity
  • To create a stimulating environment in which Christian attitudes of positive relationships, mutual respect, responsibility, forgiveness and understanding are fostered at all times 
  • To foster strong links between communities: home, school, church, the local community, the diocese and, internationally as Global Neighbours.
  • To enable staff to develop their own talents and expertise so that they too can thrive
  • To promote high standards and expectations of behaviour towards one another, as Jesus said, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ Luke10:27
  • To be committed to providing opportunities for spiritual growth through RE and collective worship as well as a wealth of stimulating experiences and extra-curricular activities
  • To promote children’s cultural experiences and opportunities to help develop a positive understanding of their place in a diverse world.


We will:

(a)  eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010

(b)  advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it

(c)  foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.


We will:

(a)  tackle prejudice, and

(b)  promote understanding


We will do this though the following: 

Eliminating Discrimination

At St. John’s CE Primary School, we are aware of our obligations, and welcomes our duties, under the Equality Act 2010 and comply with non-discrimination provisions.


  • The school has due regard to equality considerations whenever significant decisions are made – the School’s Christian vision, school aims and Christian values underpin our policies, curriculum, and provision and inform our decisions.
  • Where relevant, our policies include reference to the importance of avoiding discrimination and other prohibited conduct.
  • The School implements policies that support our school community and ensure that policies and procedures benefit all employees, and potential employees, in all aspects of our work, including recruitment and promotion and continuing professional development.
  • By challenging views that discriminate against others because of their age, race, gender, sexuality, religious belief, disability, or socio-economic background, our children understand that all are equal, unique, and valued in the eyes of God and will speak out for what is just and fair.
  • Staff and governors are regularly reminded of their responsibilities under the Equality Act – for example, during meetings.
  • The school has an equality link governor who regularly liaises with the headteacher regarding any issues and makes governors aware of these as appropriate.


Advancing Equality of Opportunity

As set out in the DfE guidance on the Equality Act, the school aims to advance equality of opportunity by:

  • Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people that are connected to a particular characteristic they have
  • Taking steps to meet the particular needs of people who have a particular characteristic
  • Encouraging people who have a particular characteristic to participate fully in any activities.

In fulfilling this aspect of the duty, the school will:

  • Analyse attainment data to identify how children with different characteristics are performing to determine strengths and areas for improvement and, in turn, implement measures in response
  • Analyse data about any issues associated with particular protected characteristics, identifying any issues which could affect our own children, for example attendance, exclusions, incidents of derogatory language, bullying concerns or incidents to determine strengths and areas for improvement and, in turn, implement measures in response
  • Analyse data about involvement in school clubs, representing the school in sporting competitions, pupil leadership roles, identifying any issues associated with particular protected characteristics which could affect our own children to determine strengths and areas for improvement and, in turn, implement measures in response
  • Ensuring our curriculum and provision of SMSC, personal development and cultural capital is accessible for all children.


Fostering Good Relations

The school aims to foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not share it by:

  • The School’s Christian vision, values, aims, and ethos reflect the school’s vision, commitment, and drive for equality for all and are highly visible: policies, documentation, and the school website.
  • Promoting the School's vision and values is continuous and applied in the day-to-day life of the School, with staff, pupils and parents.
  • Our active promotion of fundamental British values 
  • Promoting tolerance, friendship, respect, and understanding of a range of religions and cultures through different aspects of our curriculum. This includes teaching in RE, personal, social, health, and economic (PSHE) education, but also activities in other curriculum areas. For example, pupils will be introduced to literature from various cultures as part of teaching and learning in English/reading. In addition, diversity and challenging stereotypes were key drivers in our selection of books for our new library.
  • Holocaust Memorial Day - upper KS 2 attend the Community Plaza Cinema’s showing of the film, "The Island on Bird Street'' - The film is the true story of a Jewish teenage boy who tries to survive in a Polish ghetto after his family are taken to a concentration camp.
  • By challenging views that discriminate against others because of their age, race, gender, sexuality, religious belief, disability, or socio-economic background, our children understand that all are equal, unique, and valued in the eyes of God and will speak out for what is just and fair. Our curriculum actively teaches our children about different forms of discrimination and the harm it causes.
  • Our support of the Church of England's commitment to Value all of God's Children
  • School trips and activities based around the local community and wider community (Liverpool); for example:
  • Year 3 planting daffodil bulbs in the Bootle 
  • Year 6 visit to the Abdullah Quilliam Social Mosque to support their non-Christian faith unit in RE and the Anglican Cathedral to support their drawing unit on architecture.
  • We have developed links with Liverpool Community Spirit, an inter-faith community education charity with specialist knowledge about non-Christian faiths. This helps inform and develop our approach to promoting children’s cultural experiences and opportunities to help build a positive understanding of their place in a diverse world.


Equality Considerations in Decision-making

The school ensures it has due regard to equality considerations whenever significant decisions are made.

  • The school always considers the impact of significant decisions on particular groups. For example, when planning a school trip or activity, the school considers whether the trip:
  • Is accessible to pupils with disabilities
  • Has equivalent facilities for boys and girls
  • Encouraging people who have a particular characteristic to participate fully in any activities through the implementation of our pupil premium, sports premium, and accessibility plans and our risk assessments for school visits and events
  • Signposting and providing access to services, support, facilities, and information, using a wide range of modes of communication: website, newsletters, letters, emails, texts, Class Dojo, telephone calls, being visible to parents at the start and end of the school day, information evenings for parents to support children’s learning at home, early help and attendance support.

