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Local Offer - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The Local Offer provides clear and accessible information about the provision Sefton Council expects to be available locally for our children and young people from 0 to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disability (SEND).  The Local Offer helps you to understand what services you can expect from a range of local agencies, including your statutory entitlements, eligibility and referral criteria. The Local Offer also makes clear what is available from early years settings, schools (including Academies and Free Schools), colleges and other services including those from health and social care.


For the Aiming High newsletter, please follow this link:

Contact information

Our SENCo (Special Educational Need Coordinator) is Miss Ducker.  She can be contacted via the School Office on 0151-928-5685 or

The School's SEN Policy can be viewed on the school website by clicking on the link below: 

Useful information/links

Sefton PCF in partnership with Sefton SEND services, bringing the Local Offer live to you at Aintree Racecourse. Showcasing services from 0-25 for young people, parents/carers and professionals, please visit .

Are you a Parent Carer living in Sefton who cares for a child who has a physical disability, learning disability or emotional/behavioural condition? The Parent Carer Team can provide information, advice and guidance on services and support available to Parents and Carers


 The team run Parent Carer coffee morning groups ( term time) in Waterloo, Southport and virtual online. 

Sefton SEN&D Feedback
