Welcome to Reception
My name is Mrs Francis and I am the Reception teacher at St John's Primary. I'm delighted to be able to share our learning with you and provide you with handy links to support your child's learning.
Mrs Carmichael & Mrs Morrison are the Reception Teaching Assistants that work in class. Mrs Brett is our class lunchtime welfare assistant.
Reading books are changed weekly, your child's reading day can be found on the first page of their reading diary.
Friday's are our PE day, please come to school in PE kit. White t-shirt, black shorts/joggers, black pumps or trainers & school jumpers or cardigans.
Early Years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S.) curriculum
Please click on the link below for information on our Reception (EYFS) curriculum:
In the first six weeks of starting in reception, children will participate in the statutory reception baseline assessment (RBA). Please click on the link below for more information about the assessment.