Welcome to Year 3's class page!
Thank you for visiting! Here you will find lots of information about our class and updates to show you some of the amazing things we have been getting up to this year!
Mr Higham is our Year 3 teacher!
Mr Smith, Mr French and Mrs Dunleavy sometimes teaching assistants with us!
Class Dojo
News and updates are posted for parents/carers on our Year 3 Class Dojo page. If you don't currently have a Class Dojo login, please ask Mr Higham for one!
Our Year 3 PE Day is a Wednesday.
Please ensure children come to school in their PE kits on this day every week. They will spend the whole day in their PE kits so no change of clothes is needed.
Our St. John's PE kits should be a plain white top, plain dark shorts/pants and dark trainers. School jumpers or cardigans can be worn over the top.
During the Summer Term, we will be going swimming on a Thursday. Please ensure children come to school with their swimming trunks/costume on under their uniform, with everything else they need in a swimming bag (towel, underwear, swimming cap, goggles).
Reading Books
Reading is such an important skill and is vital in every subject! Year 3 is a year when children have the potential to make great progress and gain a good level of reading fluency.
Making this progress is hard work but it's best to practice often. Therefore, we encourage all children to read a little bit every day at home.
Children must bring in their reading book to school every day in their book bag. They could be asked to read to an adult in school on any day.
'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.' - Dr. Seuss.
Here are some great free online resources for reading!
Our homework policy can be found on our website by clicking on the link below:
Spellings are sent home on a Friday. Our spelling test will be on the following Friday in school, so children will have a week to practise them.
Good spelling greatly improves the level of children's writing. Throughout Year 3, we have some tricky spellings to learn. We will work on them together in school; putting them into context and trying to deepen our understanding of word formation and meaning. Please also practise them regularly at home.
Some good practice methods are:
- Doing your own mini test with the spellings words from the current or previous weeks.
- Writing them twice on small pieces of paper and playing snap or pairs.
- Looking for similar sounds or letters in some words and memorising them.
- Writing the words backwards.
- Thinking of as many other words as you can which mean the same thing (synonyms) or other words which mean the opposite (antonyms).
- Writing a great sentence which contains each word, or maybe contains two words!
Here are our all our Year 3 spellings we have learned so far this year, including the current half term's. Some of these link to spelling objectives we cover throughout our English lessons, such as adverbs with -ly suffixes, mis-/dis- prefixes and homophones.
Times Tables
In Year 3, we have regular times table practice in school. We also use Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) for children to practise their times tables at home.
We have our TTRS Times Table test every Friday in school when children try to beat their record and improve their Rock Status!
Times tables are to Maths what reading is to English! A good knowledge of times tables gives children a deeper understanding of number and gives them the skills needed to problem-solve effectively. They are really important for every topic within Maths and in other subjects too!
Children should know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables when they come into Year 3 and be fluent with the 3, 4 and 8 times tables as well by the end of Year 3!
Here are some amazing things last year's class got up to!
Enjoying experiencing life as a Roman in Britain on our Romans Trip to Chester!
Creating a timeline in History to show the duration of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age!
Learning how to mix earthy colours using primary and secondary colours in Art!
Continuing to learn the trumpet with Mr Fogg!
Designing a visible cycling helmet for Road Safety Week!
Taking part in our Christmas Bauble competition!
Enjoying visiting Santa's Grotto!
Laying down our poppies in our Remembrance Assembly!
Learning all about how parliament works and how laws are made in a whole-school assembly!
Playing a hockey tournament at the end of our Ultimate Kids PE topic!
Learning how to draw a human face using correct proportions in Art!
Here are some useful links to support your child's learning at home throughout this year: