Year 4's Class Page!
Welcome to Year 4
2023 - 2024
Year 4 Information
Miss Shields is the class teacher.
Class- Dojo
News and updates are posted for parents/carers on out Year 4 Dojo page. Please ask for a login if you are not currently connected.
Our PE day is
Please ensure children come to school in the school PE kit. They will spend the whole day in their PE kit.
St John's Kit should be a plain white top, plain dark shorts/pants and dark trainers or pumps. School jumpers or cardigans can be worn over the top.
Reading Books
Reading is such an important skill which will be used in every subject. To make progress in reading involves reading a little at home every day. Each day, a 20 minute read at home, will help our children develop a good level of reading fluency.
Children must bring their reading book to school everyday in their book bag, as they will be asked to read to an adult.
These are sent home every Friday and the test will be the following Friday, so the children will have a week to practise.
Please practise the spellings regularly at home.
Time Tables
In Year 4, we have weekly times table practice in school. We also use Time Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) for children to practise their tables at home.
Please access TTRS across the week. Miss Shields will check how often the children have logged on and will monitor how the children are getting on with their times tables.
We have a (TTRS) test every Monday in school, where the children can try to beat their record and improve their 'Rock Star Status!'
A good knowledge of our times tables can help to deepen our understanding of number, which in turn helps the children to problem solve with increased fluency.
Reading for 20 minutes a day with an adult.
In Year 4 the children will be sitting their statutory multiplication tables check (MTC) in June.
For more information please click on the link below:
The homework policy can be viewed by clicking the link below:
Here are some websites and resources you may find useful. Feel free to explore them and use them as you wish.